One more day, one more day, one more day...I will repeat this to myself over and over and over again until the end of the day tomorrow. So, the state still hasn't shown up...Lovely...probably will tomorrow. Or next week. Or whenever they choose. The last two days have been quiet...and THEN Chris called on his way home from work...truck broken down. Me trying to figure out how to get to him...with three kids and a single cab pickup that my friends brother is letting me hit me...Call the EX-husband. He'll help and he did! People were shaking their heads at me. So, the ex-husband calls back three hours later and owe me!! I know, I know...forever and ever. So, he announces...I have a date tonight. I'm just going to take Chris to my house, he can leave his truck there and drive one of my "extra" cars home. Lovely. So, Chris is going to go back down there tomorrow and fix his truck with MY EX-HUSBAND. Do they have greeting cards for this? I told Chris...Hey, just an FYI, I would never call your ex-wife for a ride. She would drive me over a cliff....
But, one more day, one more day, one more day. I have a headache.
Tomorrow is my Mommy's birthday. Usually I take her flowers and dinner from Chick-Fil-a. But, not this year. Just a phone call and card and an I LOVE YOU MOMMY! I miss you MOMMY!
Please pray friends Wesley and Kristy. Wes is having a rough go of it again. And MckMama's little Stellan. (In the box to the upper right of where you are reading).
Going to start the walking thing Thursday AM. I'm up at 5 a.m. anyway, might as well walk, walk, walk around the block. The kids will be in the house asleep, Chris will be at work, but Macy is old enough, has a cell phone and I seriously live in THE quietest neighborhood. If she needs me I can be here in less than a minute. I'm going to just walk around MY block. I need to measure it to see how many laps is a mile. I just want to be "fit." But, more about that on New Years Day....
For more day, one more day, one more day...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Just one more day....
Posted by Buffy at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Back to work....
Tomorrow I go back to work. Bad news...that is the bad news...Good news...I only have to work three days. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then I'm off Thursday and Friday. That's good news!! YEA ME!!
Like I told you in my last post...I'm sure that I'll have another visit from the state, which totally breaks me out in hives when they're there and then gives me the BIGGEST sense of relief when they leave. So, I have that to look forward to.
Went back to church today. Came home and put my pajamas back on. I love my pajamas. Am I pathetic or what???
So, I'll fill you in tomorrow!! Hi HO, Hi HO...back to work I go....BLAH!
Posted by Buffy at 4:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I love days off!!
I love days where I do not obligate myself to anything besides hanging out in my pajamas all day. I will not leave the house today. Nope. Won't do it!! Love it!!
My day started early today. For whatever reason, my sleeping issues are back. Can't go to sleep, can't stay asleep, don't sleep well when I do sleep. Does any of that make sense? I paid bills, have finished all the laundry and tried to put up most of the Christmas gifts. I have not figured out how to download the pictures off my little point and shoot I bought myself Wednesday so I would have a camera for Christmas morning. I need to get that done.
The kids have been good today for the most part. They have played with legos, Maddy's new kitchen, watched TV, painted, eaten, and are now napping. Chris had to go back to work today. It's been a great day.
I have church tomorrow and one more afternoon off and then back to work for three days. Then I get two more and the weekend off. I'm sure I'll have a interesting week next week. The state showed up for an unannounced inspection on Tuesday. We apparently got reported. It is what it is, it just sucks. So, they will probably be back next week to "check" on us. It's all too much for me to handle sometimes. This job drives me NUTS!! My friend Stacey put it so eloquently the other day at lunch, do you feel like you've reached the point of success with the program where you can now say...Next? I DO!! Will I say next? Probably. One day. Not sure when, but yes, I will say Next. And I already know what the next will consist of...MY KIDS!! I want to spend more time with my kids.
So, I will enjoy my days off that I have right now with my kids and I will rest (try to) and cook and bake and enjoy my house....
Oh, and I cannot wait to review my last years new years resolutions with you guys to point out how I have failed miserably...Lovely...But, I will try, try again this year.
Posted by Buffy at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas! We just arrived back home. Whoa!! What a trip. So much to share. Santa came. He was generous to our family. A kitchen for the Kat, a ton of "AWESOME" toys for Mason. Macy got the Nano she has been wanting and I got a NEW PHONE!! My sweet mommy bought me the coolest phone. I'm so excited. I'll post a picture of my old'll get a laugh out of that!!
Anyway, so many cool pictures to share. So many thoughts of a trip with six people to Houston....I'm so glad my brother got to go with us. He made it fun!!
Love to all. Merry Christmas!!
Posted by Buffy at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy (blog) Anniversary to me....
So, one year ago tomorrow I started this blog. I had insomnia. So, I started writing. I'm so glad I did! Maybe one day I'll be a big time blog celebrity, but I doubt it and that's okay, too. What a year I've had!! What a week I've had!! What a day I've had!! Oh, the stories I could tell.
So, this year....
Macy turned 11.
Mason turned 4.
Maddy turned 3.
We went to California.
We went to Disneyland.
We went to Sea World in San Diego.
We went to the Wild Animal Park.
We went to Las Vegas.
We celebrated 6 years of marriage.
We laughed.
We cried.
We survived!!!
Merry Christmas!! Love to all....
Posted by Buffy at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Wow! This month has sped by! I am so looking forward to some time at home in the coming weeks. I will be off three days this week and two days next week. A total of 10 home days out of 14. I'll take that. We are going to drive to Houston on Christmas eve, which I'm sure will be a treat. (NOT). Six of us in a mini-van on Christmas eve traveling from Dallas to Houston....sound like fun to anyone else? Oh, and we are coming home the night of Christmas. Chris and my brother both have to get back to work. I do this in the name of my mother. I love my mom, she wants us to come and I can't say no. So, there you have it....My truck is going into the shop Friday. At least 1300.00 to fix the transmission. Lovely.
I am in a funk. Just a yuck funk. Tired. Gaining weight. Work stinks. Not feeling the Christmas spirit this year like I usually do. Don't feel the rush like I usually do to get it all done. Don't really care if it gets done quite frankly. I mean, I know it will, but I don't care about it like I usually do. I waited in line today at the post office for 20 minutes, at the bank for 15 minutes, waited to get into the Target parking lot for 10 minutes, only to become disgusted by the amount of people and keep driving past Target. Went to Bed, Bath and Beyond because I had a 20% coupon for there...Couldn't find anything I like and wasn't really interested in waiting in ANOTHER line.
In the last two days I lost five employees. Quit, gave notice, don't really care. I'm really okay with all of them leaving, with the exception of one. I loved her. I'm sad that she's moving on. She got a better offer. But the rest of them? See ya!! So, see why I'm in a funk. I lashed out at a friend a couple Sundays ago. I can't believe I did it. I felt like a butt after I did it and have fallen all over myself apologizing since that day. I think she's tired of hearing me say I'm sorry so she decided to forgive me. Oh. Or that's she's a Christian and understands the importance of forgiveness. I yelled at Macy on Friday for not having her house key. We were locked out of the house. Guess who else didn't have their key? ME!! So why was I yelling at my 11 year old about being responsible?
I just want to feel better. I'm in a yuck funk. That's what I'll call it....a yuck funk. On a brighter note, I have received the nicest Christmas gifts from students, friends, employees. My cook at the school bought me the neatest cupcake carrier. It's a cube. I love it. It holds 27 cupcakes at a time. I've gotten cupcake ornaments, Starbucks gift cards, a Willow Tree angel that I didn't have (Mother and Son), Bath and Body works, Christmas presents. Any presents for that matter!!! I got to have dinner with my friend Misty from Paris again Friday night. We met up at Target, shopped a little and went to have dinner and drinks. Love that girl!!!
Oh, and I have loved, loved, loved all the Christmas cards that I have gotten this year. I love getting the mail!! Macy has been at her Dad's since Friday. She is going to come home tomorrow and help me get ready for our trip Christmas eve. I'll be glad when she's home. I feel better when I wake up in the morning knowing that all my babies are under one roof.
Posted by Buffy at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dear Santa...
All I want for Christmas is a new transmission. How sad is that statement? The last couple of weeks the Explorers (less than 5 years old) transmission has been acting up. I noticed it. Chris noticed it. Well, I have been driving Chris' truck and he has been driving my Explorer. It is more comfortable and he drives an hour and a half everyday and I drive 10 minutes, so I didn't mind trading. Well, I got back in my car yesterday for the first time in weeks because Chris was off and was shocked at how bad it was running. I called Chris and told him there was no way that we could drive it to Houston to see my Mom next week. So, I got online and rented a....MINIVAN to drive to Houston. There are six of us going. My whole family and my brother, so we needed the room. I was thinking we could get the Explorer in the shop after the first of the year and go on with life. WRONG!! I was leaving a shopping center last night to go pick up Macy from Youth Group and it was gone. No transmission at all. Would barely go forward. Would NOT back up. Gone!! So, now it is parked in front of my house until we can decide how in the whole wide world we can afford a transmission. Now, keep in mind Chris goes to work at 3:30 in the Love Field and I work 10 minutes away. So, my lovely church bus driver will be picking me up in the bus today. Hey, at least I have a bus to pick up me and the kids, right? Wonder if she'll drive me through Starbucks? Ha! I am so sad. I don't know what we are going to do or how we are going to do it. But, I am going to pray. Pray, pray for a solution to my transmission problem. Is that silly? Am I silly? Anyone have any ideas? Know a great mechanic that will let us pay it out???
Posted by Buffy at 6:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Be careful what you wish/pray for....
Because now I am stranded in my house with the kids, the husband, and a cell phone that continues to ring and ring and ring wondering why there is no school....UGH!! Chris is griping at the kids about their room. What's new? Macy is hiding in her room. (Do all pre-teens do this?) We never see her. She's always laying in her bed watching TV or talking on the phone. (Eye roll). I was the genius who thought the whole weather thing was an overreaction and I REFUSED to run to Wal Mart to stock up. Well, maybe I should have considered at least grocery shopping. We have food, don't get me wrong, but a mish mash of items. Like, tonight for dinner...I'm considering breakfast. I love breakfast for dinner. Last night I made chili. I was missing my traditional ingrediants to it included Kidney beans. You would have thought I was poisoning my children with the reaction. But, hey fritos covers a lot, you know? We're just running low on stuff. Maybe I can talk Chris into going for me. He llllooooovvveeesssss Wal Mart. Freak.
Posted by Buffy at 11:06 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
It's frigid outside....
Freezing, I tell you...well for Texas standards that is. I won't compare myself to you guys up north. Poor people. So, I'm absolutely praying is sleets and ices and is just too unsafe to run buses tomorrow...because....if that happens, I don't have to open the preschool!! YEA us! Sorry, folks. Just need a little day to breathe in between a Monday!! UGH!!
So, we survived our weekend trip to the mall. That was very unsmart of me. I just wanted to get out of there and breathe.....We're pretty much done with shopping. We have a few things here and a few things there and we're good. I just about have all my Christmas cards done. I need to wrap, but am waiting for Saturday. I have coordinated a "wrap party" at our church this weekend. Waiting to see if anyone will RSVP and if they don't, well then, I'm still packing my stuff up, going up there to my 8 x 11 table and wrap to my hearts delight without my children knocking on the door and peaking underneath the door!!
I have a lot of picking up and cleaning up and organizing to do before we leave for Christmas, but it will all get done in good time. I just need to survive the next 6 days of work. Survive, survive, survive, smile and nod, smile and nod!!
Posted by Buffy at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Pray for me today...
For, I am embarking on a trip into the shopping frenzy also known as Frisco, Texas. UGH! Macy has a birthday party for a friend who lives in Frisco and her Daddy couldn't get her there, so Chris and I are taking her and while we wait we are taking the little ones to Build a Bear (yes, I do love that place) and letting Maddy and Mason make the reindeers for their GoGo for Christmas (she collects them-reindeers, not Build a Bears). I have to go to James Avery to get Macy's yearly charm. Not sure what I'll pick up, but I love, love, love that place. I have decided for all my incidental gifts, that I'm sticking to an ornmanet. Not just any ornament, a hand picked, this meets your personality ornament. My girlfriends, my employees, my teachers, my childrens friends....I just couldn't bear the thought of going overboard this year. So, I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and Kohl's and am already almost done!! I'm so excited!! I love Christmas ornaments and can remember where I got every one I have and from whom. I also bought a new cupcake ornament for our ornament gift exchange at the school next week. Had to give it a little "Buffy" flavor. I've also come to love a blog that I just stumbled across and got her a couple ornaments that I'm going to mail to her. Isn't it crazy how you become "friends" with people across the internet. Craziness people!!
So, there was a tornado in my town this week. Shocking that I didn't even know that it was 1/4 mile from my house until I woke up the next morning. I heard the storms, I woke Chris up and told him it was bad. He told me I was dramatic and to go back to sleep, so I did. In case I have never told you....I am a news junkie. CNN. Fox news. Local news. Dallas morning news. My hometown newspaper...I think I got that from both my parents, but for whatever's what I So, I click on Fox and there it is Possible tornado hits N. Texas town. I clicked on it...DENISON!! My town. So, I went to the local news channel. All of my friends streets are listed. I totally panicked. I started calling everyone at 6 a.m. Luckily, a lot of them were up, never had gone to sleep, etc. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured!! Praise GOD!! I am pretty upset because it has come out in the news that the sirens are non-functioning. Did I mention that I got my tax statement for 2009 in the mail yesterday? What am I paying taxes for? This stuff to work people!!
So, remember me today while I drive to Dallas with three children, a husband that doesn't like to shop and a budget!!!!
Posted by Buffy at 7:29 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It can wait until tomorrow....
I am such a procrastinator. I work better under pressure. But, the crap that I put myself in the process is ridiculous. I was so proud of myself because I was pretty much done with all my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. Macy-check. Maddy-check, check, check. Mason-almost check. Mom-pretty close to a check. Chris-don't buy gifts for each other-check and then it hit me. All those friends, my employees, my childrens friends, Christmas cards, teachers, etc., etc., etc.
So, I need to get the obligatory picture of the kids. Thank goodness I took an awesome one at Disneyland this year. Do they all have on matching jammies, nope...Do they all have matching Christmas sweaters....nope!! But, they are happy. They are cute. The picture truly is reflective of who they are and the fun Summer that we had. So, I'm using that one. I'll go to Sam's tomorrow, pick them out and get those addressed this weekend. I also have to address all the Christmas cards for the entire staff at Macy's school because I'm on the charge of hospitality.
It just adds up. Chris almost lost his job two days ago. Five other managers did at Love Field. He was safe...this time. It's scary. Very scary. So, I am thankful that our house is not in foreclosure. I am thankful that we can buy gifts. I am thankful that gas is $1.41 a gallon right now. I am thankful that for the most part our kids are healthy. I am thankful that I can stress out about Christmas gifts instead of stressing out about not being able to even purchase them. I'm thankful that Chris and I got to have dinner alone last night at my favorite dive in Sherman. I am thankful. God is good...all the time.
Posted by Buffy at 9:48 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Boo-boo...the update....
Sorry to all of you that have emailed, called or texted and asked how Mason is...(aka Boo-boo). He is doing as well as can be expected, I guess. He's tired. He looks tired. He looks sick. I need to take a picture and post it. He has dark circles under his eyes. Today he slept from 1:00 until about 4:15. That's not really a common thing for him. I'm having to dress him every morning because he is just beat. We saw the ENT...tonsillectomy in January.... We had blood drawn, I have not heard anything on the results yet. We go back again on Thursday for more blood work. He hates having his blood drawn. He still has the cough that he has had for um, three months. He sounds stopped up again in the nose area. I just want him to feel better. I want him to look better. I want him to be better. It's hard for us because we want to baby him and he is over emotional right now, but there are times when we have to discipline him and that sucks. He goes into melt down mode. Just pray that he improves sooner than later!!!
Posted by Buffy at 4:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Wal Mart in December..
Need I say more? ICK! I told Chris today, I would rather take my own life than to have to go to Wal Mart on a Saturday during the month of December. All I needed was some tacky glue and some sticky tape for ornament night....40 minutes in line!! Seriously!! 40 minutes. Oh, and I had to park at the BACK of the parking lot, which actually is fine with me. That's fine. But, what isn't fine is that I have to wait in line to park in the back behind all the people who wait people know those people, the people who put pressure on you to throw your bags in the car and run....I do not understand why they have not figured out that it would actually be faster just to park then to sit there and wait for the person that is trying to unload their groceries out of their basket into their car. I don't know about anyone else, but I have started just taking my time. I ever so carefully buckle each one of my children in (sometimes even Macy) just so they have to wait longer!! GET A LIFE. Stop being lazy and go park!!
40 minutes in line. Our particular Wal Mart is smaller than Sherman's. I like it better only because it is smaller. Out of 4 "express lanes" only one was open on each side. ONE! Out of probably 40 lanes...I would guess 15 were open. What's up with that? Saturday. 3:00 p.m. 19 days before Christmas.
Okay, I'm done. But seriously? I'm so over this over it...
Posted by Buffy at 9:27 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thank you....
Like my best friend Khaki can be quoted as saying today..."Did you ever think that you would be thanking God that your baby boy has Mono?" No, I didn't. But, he does and this is so much better than what we were originally told. We were undergoing studies for lymphoma. We still have more blood work to undergo tomorrow and an ENT evaluation on Thursday, but we did get a mono screen back today that is 100% positive. Very, very positive. It explains so much now that we have a diagnosis. So, pray for him to feel better real soon!! Thanks for all your encouraging emails, texts and messages today!! I felt you with me today!!!
Posted by Buffy at 4:15 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
The patriotic tree....
Sorry, Blogger will only let me add five photos at a time. I could add a million if given the option....
Here are two others that are "favorites."
My Paris Texas ornament....
and one of my TEACHER ornaments....LOVE IT!!
Posted by Buffy at 4:54 PM 1 comments
And they're up...sort of...
This was the weekend of Christmas trees. With the exception of Maddy and Mason's they are all up. They aren't completely DONE, but they are up. All the decorations for the house aren't out, but they are down from the attic. Here's what we have going people...We have my traditional tree. Every ornament from the time I became and adult and started buying my own ornaments, the kids ornaments, my favorite things, etc....
And last, but not least...I have officially added the cupcake tree. I could not be more proud of it. It brings me total joy to look at it. Anyone see a cupcake ornament I don't me immediately...I will drive hours upon hours for it!! :) I really want these really cool things they have at Target to accessorize the tree, but they're $3.99 a stem. I'll just have to wait for them to go on sale, because that's ridiculous!!!
We also have the Patriotic tree, because I love red, white and blue and the USA!! I mean...come on people...I got married on the 4th of July....It's missing the red star garland stuff...but, I'll get to it. (I'll add a picture in the next post...)
We also have the front porch tree, Macy's beach themed tree (green tinsel with surfboards), and the Christmas card tree. Am I an overachiever...well, YES, I am!!!
Posted by Buffy at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Here's what we know...
Let me fill you in on Mason first and then I'll get to Black Friday....
Called the doctor at 9:30 on Friday morning and left a message for the nurse explaining that we were waiting on some test results on Mason. She called me back within the hour and told me they were on the doctors desk...OH, the doctor that is in Austin? YES! Oh, well could you have the OTHER doctor (the one that I don't like) review them and let us know something. Okay. They called back at about 11:30 to let me know that his blood work looks good. BUT, we still need to go to have his other tests on Monday at the hospital. So, we're going to do that. I was being the doctor today and was examining his throat and inside of his mouth. Ick!! It's gross. He has sores in his mouth. The roof of his mouth looks like a giant hickey!! Ew!! I know! But, seriously! What is wrong with this sweet little man of mine? Pray for more answers on Monday. We are so, so, so relieved that his blood work is normal at this point. That is definitely an answered prayer for us!
Okay, Black Friday shopping. I woke up at 3. ICK! I met my Mom at her hotel in Sherman by 4 and we were in Kohl's by 4:30. Then, we proceeded to wait 1 hour and 10 minutes in line for the following ridiculous items that I purchased. Ornaments (they were 60% off and they had cupcake ornaments that I didn't have), two children's Christmas Aprons (which we have already figured out will not fit Macy), and a Candy Land game for $3.99. Can you believe that I did this? But, I kept telling Mom the whole time she was obsessing about standing in line that we could be standing in line or we could be sitting in our car outside Target for an to take her pick. We stood in line. I love how when you're in a long line like that after Thanksgiving that you make friends with your line mates. It's so cool. That doesn't happen at Disneyland or anywhere else, but in line at a store the day after Thanksgiving I always meet the coolest people! So, we trucked on and headed to Target. We got there right as they were opening the doors. I guess the Target people decided to hire the Chick-Fil-A cow for their security guard for the morning and it was NOT cute. He was annoying. So, the crowd overtook him and headed in from all directions. Chaos. I think I've mentioned this before, but crowds put a panic in me like no other. I have a complete fear of getting trampled, getting closed in, not being able to get out. I always have to have an out. And today at Target, I didn't. I felt as though my throat was closing in. I am 5'3, so needless to say most people are taller than me. We were like cattle being herded back to the electronics. You could not move. I didn't have a basket to protect me and some girl behind me kept hitting me in the ankles and butt with her basket. I don't know if she was being pushed, but it was pissing me off. But on I forged for....The entire season of Sex and the City for $8.88...only to get Season 1 and Season 6-Part II. UGH!! So disappointing. We also hit Old Navy, Wal Greens, Wal Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, Michaels, and Target again...Did you guys hear about the guy who worked at Wal Mart in New Jersey who got trampled and died? See!! I tell happens!!
I almost started to cry when my Mom took me back to my car to come home (at the early ripe time of 9:30). Yes, we were done by then!! My Mom is not a hugger. I can be a hugger, but I never, never, never hug my Mom. She's kind of off hands when it comes to hugging. Mom hugged me. I miss her so much everyday, but we had a great Thanksgiving. Chris and I decided we will go to Houston for Christmas, but we're only going for two days.
So, there you have it...That's my story...
Posted by Buffy at 6:27 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
We have cooked, cleaned, been stuffed and are now resting. WHOA!! Thanksgiving is a lot of work for a 10-20 minute meal, huh? It was worth it. Mom was here. My brother just left after the Cowboys game. And I survived. My Mom wants to get up at 4 a.m. to shop. 4 a.m.? Why? Is it really worth it? I will go for old times sake!! But, ugh...I'm not thrilled about it. I have a list of things I'll try to get, but I'm sorry, I will not be fistfighting over a toy or movie. Get over it. I have no time for that bullcrap.
We returned to the doctor with Mason on Wednesday for a recheck. There are some issues. We will go in on Monday for a neck ultrasound. I do not at this point want to go into details of what I was told until we know more. I will just ask that you pray for Mason. Pray that he is healthy. Pray for answers. Pray for Chris and I to have peace. Chris is very upset. I am pretty upset, but Chris is overwhelmed with grief right now. But, what I can say is at this point we don't know much. We will even know more tomorrow after some more test results are returned and the doctor is going to call me from Austin (he's there for the UT/A&M game-lucky guy)!!
We have been blessed this year with so many things...our children, our health, Chris maintaining a good job for more than a year and God's presence in our life!!!
Just pray for answers and Mason! He's my boo!!
Posted by Buffy at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The mother eagle has landed...
Okay, so the Mom has arrived. The charming husband has been nothing but a butt (I'm censoring it for all you people who do not believe that the church preschool director should use the word ass) since she arrived and she just isn't convinced that he's that charming!! HHHmmmm!!! ME EITHER!! Could you be on your best behavior since the mother in law is here? Could you stop nitpicking our kids to death about the fact of this, that and the other!! UGH! Driving me nuts!!
So, anyway, she's here. She went right into cleaning...this after she spent 1/2 her day on Highway 75 because a woman decided to commit suicide by jumping off of the overpass ONTO Hwy 75 a mere 10 minutes before she got there. So, freeway shut down and she just parked it there. LOVELY....
So, it's 8:16 and she's in bed. Have I mentioned that my mom has narcolepsy? She does and it has affected her quality of life for years. So, when she wants to sleep I just say, okay and go on with my night. I'll be up typing for hours now. I still believe I'm getting the flu or "something." Chris got me some Tylenol Cold medicine. It seems to have helped for now...let's hope. I have a turkey to make y'all!!!
More news on the mother eagle tomorrow....
Posted by Buffy at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
I seriously had a straight out of a movie moment Mom called..."she'll be here tomorrow!!!" HUH? What? The cleaning lady is coming Wednesday!! I still have two days to work before I can take off. HUH? Are you serious? WHAT??? So, I walk in the door and announce to Chris that his "very favorite mother-in-law" (as opposed to the other one that he has, hahaha!!) is coming TOMORROW!! Not a great way to greet him this afternoon.
So, you know she moved away and I don't get to see her that often...what am I to do? Throw everything in closets I answer!! Hide it!! Get the bleach out. I don't care where you put it, just open the container...the smell will fill the house like it is clean!! Mommy is coming!! Tomorrow!!
Plus...I think I'm getting flu sick. Lovely, lovely, lovely. But, I did get enough energy to throw all of Macy's crap in her closet. That's a start. Oh, and out of kindness to my mother I brushed her sheets off to make sure there were no crumbs in them. I's the simple things in life!!
Posted by Buffy at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Fryday contest...
Know Stellan's Mommy that we were praying for? Her little box was at the top of my page and now we have the miracle button...well...I'm doing this for her!!! She is having a contest...A Fryday contest....
Posted by Buffy at 7:56 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Text messages...
My top three text messages of the day are.....drum roll please....
"Remember that self-control is a way of worshipping the Lord and that He works all things out for the good at all times (no matter how we may feel about things). I will pray for fruit to come from all the incredible sowing you have done. Call me later. Luv ya!!"
"True strength comes from believing in who you are!!!"
"Don't quit...negotiate"
Thanks guys for your encouraging
Posted by Buffy at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Emotional rollercoaster.
So, another day, another bit of drama. I had a face to face tonight with the Pastor (my boss), the Pastors wife (who sometimes thinks shes my boss), the head of the preschool committee (who I wish was my boss) and myself...
There are so many issues that I don't even know where to begin. Again, I have decided to stay with the preschool. For now. Without listing my resume of what I have accomplished at the school, I will what cost? The cost of my marriage (which is always somewhat shaky), my childrens youth, my mental health?
I love, love, love the preschool. I am so proud of it, but I'm so over the crap. I know with so many jobs there is crap...but there sure is a lot of it there (and not just in the potty training room! Hahahaha!!).
So, continue to pray for me. I have a "plan." In my head...a plan. A six month plan...six months...six months....May 2009. We'll chat. I'll let you in on my "plan."
Posted by Buffy at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The board has met...
We had our board meeting tonight. It was heated. It was 2 1/2 hours long. I survived. I'm too tired to say anything more than...for this moment, I have decided to stay at the preschool. Not sure what my future holds, but I will continue to look to my Lord for guidance and to friends (you're my friends, right) for support and kind words and advice and PRAYER!! I know that you...Kathryn...Jenn...Whitney read this and have a lot of things to say...and I promise I will return calls and emails soon. I'm just so consumed with this right now...I'm surviving. Not much more than that.
Also, wanted to mention...yesterday I spent 5 1/2 hours with Mason at the doctors office/hospital/x-rays...For those of you that don't know, Mason was a preemie. Underdeveloped lungs...always has had breathing issues. So, I've really had a concern about asthma for a long time. We have always been with the same pediatrician's office. Never had a different doctor. So, every time Mason gets sick (which is often) we hear...Sinus infection...Omnicef....$35.00. Okay, so now our doctor has an associate that we had to see for Maddy's well visit and I was so impressed with him that Mason saw him yesterday because our other two visits in a month with the doctor we've always seen didn't seem to be getting the job done. So, six weeks with a cough...double sinus infection, double ear infections...needs a tonsillectomy ASAP, pneumonia and we FINALLY got a diagnosis of asthma. Thank God! We needed that. He needed that. I had set aside $249.00 yesterday for a Wii for the kids Christmas gift. I spent $35.00 on our copay, $94.39 on our prescriptions, $25.00 on gifts at Target because I have mothers guilt that he's so sick and $37.89 on gas for the I'll start saving for another Wii pretty soon.
He slept better last night than he has in six weeks. We did a chest xray yesterday, he has a little spot of pneumonia, but nothing major. He did two breathing treatments at the office, got a Rocephin shot, started an antibiotic at home for five days, we are doing a steroid "burst" for three days and he is now on an inhaler 4 times a day until we can get it under control and nightly allergy medicine. Yes, I have THAT kid. But, as long as he starts to feel better, I am thankful. So thankful...
So, MY FRIENDS...bear with me. I'll be back to "normal" soon. What is my "normal?"
Love you all!!!
Posted by Buffy at 9:42 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My archery talents....
Macy and I both loved the archery portion of our trip...Wanted to share those pictures, too!!
Macy looking like a pro...
Look at the concentration in that face!!!
Posted by Buffy at 2:23 PM 3 comments
Back from Rehab...
And oh, what a week it was...five days actually. I lived. I survived. It wasn't quite as quiet as I had expected, but it was so pretty. It was a great week for Macy and I. I survived without coffee. I survived without my computer. And I took my phone, but kept it on silent...I don't have a watch people. I have a phone to tell me what time it is!! Now, by Friday I told Ms. feet are really pissed at my butt and thighs right now!! But, I did it. I don't know what I'll do when it's time for Mason and Maddy to go...I'll be so much older...just kidding..I'll be there with bells on. It was such an AWESOME week!
So here's a review of my week...which I'm sure will bore you to death...
Day #1...Arrive at Camp Goddard. Two hour drive from here near Ardmore, Oklahoma. It pouring. Our luggage gets dumped in the pouring rain and we get locked out of our cabin with our luggage. I get assigned 8 girls. I only actually know four of them. Macy and Sydney cry because we don't get Erin. The girls are a mix of several different personalities, but all seem to be GREAT girls. I am happy. Lunch is served. Food was soooo good. Shocking. We head for a two hour Scavenger hunt. That was exhausting. Rest in the cabin. Movie night for all the groups together. Showers for 8 girls...1 bathroom. Lovely. Lights out by 10. I slept so good.
Day #2. Breakfast...yummy. We are separated into three groups. We were group B. Two other schools groups hike with us. 24 kids total. Three counselors. One male group. One female group and us. First Hike-man and water. We hike up a dried up waterfall. So pretty and slippery. Second hike...Man and the Environment...again...long hike. Lunch. (I feel like all I did was eat and walk, eat and walk). Arts and crafts. Snake man came to show the kids snakes and let them touch them. I waited outside for them. Thank you very much. Do the shower and bed thing all over again...EXCEPT...I didn't sleep. UGH.
Day #3. Eat. Geology...go hunt for fossils. That was fun. Boating...Canoeing. Forgot I knew how to do that. Had a GREAT time. Eat..AGAIN!! Cross country hike. 2 1/2 mile hike. It was beautiful. We were warned by the other groups for three days how hard it was, etc. etc. I got midway through it and said to the other counselors...have we gotten to the hard part yet? Because I'll tell you what is hard...two toddlers in strollers at Disneyland in July. That's hard. I got a laugh!! Game night for the kids. I got two hours to myself. I took a HOT shower for the first time all week and finished Tori Spelling's book. She cracks me up! Bed.
Day #4. I swear I ate more in 5 days than I have in a month. Today was fishing, archery, science experiments and food, food, food. I shot the bear target in the butt!! Go ME!! I was so excited. We had a skit night. We did the skit that I did when I went to 6th grade camp. It was hilarious. We didn't win Best girls Cabin, but we did come in second which I was so proud of out of 21 groups. We lost to my friend Ruth's cabin. It came down to cabin checks and anyone who knows the two of us knows shes the better I was still proud of my girls.
Day #5. Clean up, pack and head home. Oh, but you still have two meals you have to eat before you can leave.
I seriously have been home 24 hours now and haven't eaten once. Got coffee. But, no thanks on the food.
Now, about work. I've prayed a lot. I've thought about a lot of things. I have talked to the person that is going to take over as committee chair for the school. I think that if we can negotiate some things as far as my freedom to make decisions and BE THE DIRECTOR, I'm good. I am not a businesswoman. I am a kid lover. I can't imagine leaving all my hard work behind. So, we have a meeting Tuesday night. Let's hope things go well. Because I really am at the point that if it doesn't I will be done. That night. But, I have a really, really good feeling about it and pray that God will watch out for me and my family...but, I already know he whatever happens.
And as are some pictures. Can you see the happiness in my face? Even I can. I love my Macy. I figure this is one of the last times I'll be cool enough to hang out with her for a week....
Posted by Buffy at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Leaving for camp...
So, I made it through the weekend. I actually got all my tapes done...with the exception of one. I am packed. Macy is packed. We're ready...AND ta's pouring outside. UGH. That stinks! But, it will be fine...I packed cards...we'll be fine.
I have a specific prayer request if you will bless me while I am gone by praying for me. Pray for peace. Pray for MY peace. I am really at a crossroads in my life. For those of you that are my friends that are also parents at my school...please don't freak, BUT, I've grown weary. I'm tired. I'm starting consider this career path. I took this job because I honestly had never been "called" by the Lord to do anything. And for the first time in my life I truly believed that God was calling me to do this job. And I did it and I have done it and I am burnt out. More than anything I'm tired of the petty crap that goes along with it. The nitpicky crap. Tired of never being "off." Tired of getting calls at 4:30 on a Sunday about a W4. PICK, PICK, PICK, PICK. If it's my idea, it's not a good idea, never mind that we have over 125 kids in our little preschool. Never mind that for the most part...things run smoothly everyday. Never mind all that. Let's pick on Buffy. Buffy is really, really tired. So, because I have 5 days of (semi) quiet I promised my Mom and Chris that I would reflect on my future there. There are other opportunities for me. The best one is that I could just do my medical transcription from home and stay with the kids all day. But, I have to say it....MY KIDS LOVE THEIR SCHOOL. They would want to go there everyday. So, I'll pro/con it to death this week just like I've done everything else in my life and maybe God will send me an answer.
I am excited about this week with Macy. I'll post Friday or Saturday.
Till then...Just tell everyone I'm at Rehab...hahahaaaaa!!
Posted by Buffy at 5:40 AM 3 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
So, I have told you before that I employee some great college kids. They are so much smarter and laid back than I was in college. But, of my boys asked me where I was going for a week and I explained to my 5th grader...yada, yada, yada. I then added the part about no cell Starbucks and he seriously says..."Oh, so you're going to rehab?" HUH? No! I'm not going to rehab...I'm really going to camp...He says, "No, you're going to Western Civilations form of Detox Rehab program." GREATNESS! He cracks me up. I would have never thought of something so witty! Anyway, so we're packing...still packing. I've been trying to get my dictation done before I go. Would have helped if I hadn't picked up 8 tapes yesterday! YIKES. I have three left as of right this moment. I also had our last soccer game today. And we had a party at McDonalds for our AWESOME little soccer team. Can you say winning season? Won 8, Lost 1 and Tied 1. We rock!! I will scan the pictures and post them! IN TWO WEEKS!!....SEE BECAUSE I'M GOING TO REHAB!! That freaking cracks me up. I better stop saying it though...people at church will begin to believe it. I need a quiet place, I need a quiet place. I'll write tomorrow before I leave...I gotta go do some tree huggin!!
Posted by Buffy at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I love how they listed her occupation!!
Dawn Alesha Cole Horning
June 10, 1970 - November 4, 2008
Dawn Alesha Cole Horning was born in Tulsa, OK June 10, 1970. She departed this life Nov. 4, 2008 after a seven-year battle with cancer. Her courage and strength, despite the obstacles placed in her path these past few years, are a testimony to all who knew and loved her.
She graduated from Ft. Smith Christian High School in 1988. She graduated with honors from Cameron University, Lawton, OK in 1993. She taught 4th grade at Lamar Elementary, Denison, TX from 1997-2000. At that time she made the second most important decision in her life-to be stay-at-home Mom. Her most important decision was accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. The time she got to spend with her sons is what sustained her throughout her illness.
She is survived by two sons, William Hughes Horning and Luke Gabriel Horning; parents Howard and Carole Hughes, Madill, OK and Linda Carson, Ft. Smith, AR; Godparents Suzanne Smart and John Schoell, Oklahoma City, OK; brother and sister-in-law John and Renee Hughes, Lewisville, TX; aunts and uncles John and Dorothy Holloway, Ft. Supply, OK; Lloyd and Cathy Hughes, Madill, OK; and many other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her father, David A. Cole, Ft Smith, AR.
A Celebration of Dawn Alesha’s life will be held at Little City Baptist Church, Little City, OK on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2008 at 11:00 AM with Brother Ron Robertson and Dr. John Schoell officiating. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Little City Baptist Church, RR2, Box 85, Madill, OK 73446.
Brown’s Funeral Service, Durant and Texoma Cremation Service are handling the arrangements.
View the image gallery
Born: June 10, 1970
Place of Birth: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Death: November 4, 2008
Place of Death: Sherman, Texas
Occupation: Mom
William Hughes Horning, Son
Luke Gabriel Horning, Son
Carole Hughes, Mother
Howard Hughes, Father
Linda Carson, Mother
Suzanne Smart, Godparent
John Schoell, Godparent
John Hughes and wife Renee, Brother
John Holloway and wife Dorothy, Aunt and Uncle
Lloyd Hughes and wife Cathy, Aunt and Uncle
Many other relatives and friends
Preceded in Death By
David A. Cole, Father
Celebration of Life
Saturday November 15, 2008, 11:00 AM at Little City Baptist Church
Click for Map and Directions
Posted by Buffy at 7:56 PM 1 comments
My friend Dawn...
My friend Dawn lost her battle yesterday with cancer. She was by far one of the funniest, honest, truly authentic women I have ever known in my life. We shared a love of wine, laughing, and of all things...crayons. I will forever treasure the thank you note that she wrote me in crayon with a picture of us holding hands. I had truly hoped to walk the 3 day this year with Dawn, but we didn't iron out the details. I saw her when I returned from California in July. Our kids played together at Chuck E. Cheese and we talked and talked and talked. I loved her. Have you ever met someone that you have to just hug everytime you saw them. She kissed me hello the first time we ever met. I thought it was weird. But, after one night of girl talk..I knew it was just Dawn. I never told her hello or goodbye after that without kissing her on the cheek. Love your friends. Honor them. Honor their children. I will honor her by getting a mammogram SOON and forever telling anyone who wishes to listen how awesome a human being she was. I am sad. I chose not to visit Dawn in the hospital the last 16 days. I couldn't. I did not want to see the funniest person I had ever known like that. I chose to remember the Dawn that made me laugh until I peed my pants. Her boys were blessed to have her as their mother. She treasured them more than she treasured anything else!
Another friend from Sherman...Julie Sharp is battling Hodgkins Lymphoma. She is currently at the hospital for a 5 day round of chemo. She has a 6 month old and a 2 year old. We both went to TAMU-Commerce. She is the sweetest, giving, God loving girl. Pray for her!!
Posted by Buffy at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween....
We had the most fun on Halloween this year. I had the "day off" for inservice. My very good friend...supermom came and taught my teachers some wonderful things. Thank you SUPER MOM!! I have a gift for you. Will catch up with you on Monday!! I love you and your kids! I had the privilege of going to Macy's awards assembly at her school where she received every award except perfect attendance...darn sinus infection and fever. She also was recognized for her performance on last years TAKS test. I am so proud of her. I am her room mom again this year...YIPPEE!! I made it 6 years as room mom. Couldn't be prouder of that, either!! So, I got to go to her class party. We then loaded up and headed to Frisco. We owed Maddy a trip to Build a Bear for her birthday in September and we just couldn't leave Mason out. So, Macy helped the kids get their animals stuffed and "washed" and dressed. We had fun. The mall in Frisco was dead. We trick or treated there and met our friends the Brands for dinner at the food court. We went to Darin's neighborhood to trick or treat. (YES! I realize it's weird that my ex-husband and I are friends, but it works for us)!!! He lives in a dead end cul-de-sac on Lake Lewisville. There were no cars, just golf carts and wagons. Our kids had a blast.
Today has been a busy Saturday, too. I have been working on switching the kids seasons clothing. It's always a beating for me. We had a soccer game today. We have such a great little team. They are aggressive, which works for us. We have only lost one game, tied one, and won the rest.. Not bad for my first coaching endeavor, huh? New wood floors were laid in our 2 year old area the last two days so I have the job of moving the furniture back into the classrooms before Sunday school tomorrow. JOY!
I hope each of you had a great Halloween. Enjoy my pics!!
Posted by Buffy at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I need it.
I have decided that I need a week without my phone, a week without my computer, a week without email, a week without my husband asking me stupid questions...Starbucks...I have not made that decision yet. I don't know how I will get by, but I'm sure I will. I am so tired. I'm tired of parents thinking that it is appropriate to call me at 8:45 at night to ask me a question about school. Do their customers call them at home at 8:45 for every little detail. I have 120 parents people!! Don't call me. Can you believe people? Now, let me clarify, if you're my friend and you have a question and you also happen to be a parent, I'm good with that, but complete stranger parents? Not so much. As a society, I think that we have all become so programmed to check the bank balance, check the email, check voice mail, check my call log 50 times a day...I'm tired of checking. Sometimes I just ignore my email for a week because it takes too much effort to hit reply. Know what I mean? I'm exhausted by the day to day details of crap. I got subpoenaed in ANOTHER child custody case. Seriously, never, never considered that when I took this job. The other day CPS showed up and showed her credentials...I was just like...WHO TODAY? Two years ago I would have just wrung my hands over it. Not today. It's a monthly thing. I have learned to let go of a lot of the crap with this job. Things that two years ago would have gotten me into a frenzy just get a shoulder shrug from me these days. I'm excited about my trip with Macy. Macy is excited about her trip with me. And those are the things that are most important to me right at this moment....
Posted by Buffy at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
And it's official....
I am going to Camp Goddard with Macy. What is Camp Goddard you ask? It is a camp that the 5th Graders in the area (and other areas actually) attend as a sort of a coming of age thing of sorts. You sleep in cabins. You go on trails and boat and take archery classes. I went to 6th Grade Camp when I lived in California. I loved it!! So, I am pleased that I was chosen to go. I am sad to leave Mason and Maddy, but Daddy will have things under control here with them and with the help of dear friends who help get them home from preschool until Daddy can get there.
HOWEVER, it has now come to my attention that there will be NO STARBUCKS FOR 5 DAYS. THERE WILL BE NO SONIC FOR 5 DAYS. THERE WILL BE VERY LITTLE CELL PHONE USAGE FOR 5 DAYS. THERE WILL BE NO COMPUTER FOR 5 DAYS. NO INTERNET FOR 5 DAYS. NO EMAIL FOR 5 DAYS. I asked Macy how I was going to make it and she stated..."SUCK it're going." Lovely. Great advice from my 11 year old.
So, now I'm on to my planning for the trip. You wouldn't beleive all the things we have to pack. But, truly, I am excited to spend this time with Macy. Who knows if she'll even speak to me next year when shes in MIDDLE SCHOOL, right? And Macy was my only baby for so long and then two others came along so quickly and we don't get to spend a lot of Mommy and Macy time together. So, for that I am excited. We're trying to come up with some cool ideas of fun stuff to do for the girls in the cabin. 8 of them!! I am going to order personalized M&M's tomorrow. I'm excited. So, if you think I have fallen off the face of the earth in November, I haven't. I've just fallen into the mountains of Oklahoma......
Posted by Buffy at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Pumpkin Fest...and a yucky tummy...
So, Pumpkin Fest has been scheduled for at least 10 months....Start planning in January. I had everything done, just needed the day to come. Had the food ready, had the prizes separated, had planned and planned and planned and low and behold I woke up yesterday morning and knew something wasn't right. Before I even got out of bed, I knew....I was nauseated. I'm only nauseated when one of two things is going on...I'm pregnant (which I'm not) or I have a stomach virus....YUCK. 11 a.m. I was pretty much convinced I wasn't going anywhere. Poor Chris had to strip our bed, clean me up, such lovely details...huh? He called in the troops. My friend Nicole pretty much ran the show for me. So, to all my friends who showed up and helped...THANK YOU!! I'm sad that I missed something that I had worked all year for, but as long as everyone had a good time...I'm happy. I'm even missing the NKOTB reunion concert tonight!! :( I don't like being sick. AT ALL....
Oh, and Chris had to coach the soccer team. We won!! 7-1. Go Rockets!!
Posted by Buffy at 10:43 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A loooonnnnggggg week......
A long week behind me and a long week in front of me....Last week these things happened.
1) I washed over 100 trays twice a day for 3 days.
2) I was the keynote speaker at the Foster Grandparent luncheon.
3) I was verbally acosted by a granny about how much she hates pumpkins. (WHO could hate a pumpkin)???
4) I went to Farmers Market and bought $1,000 worth of pumpkins.
5) I had lunch on the patio my favorite restaurant in the middle of the week with my husband and my youngest daughter. (Something we realized we've never done before (been alone with only Maddy).
6) I gave Maddy $3.00 in pennies to throw in the fountain at the restaurant...because I could.
7) I unloaded $1,000 worth of pumpkins (with help)....
8) I raised over $6,000 in candle sales at the school.
9) I was cussed out by a grandmother raising her grandson one day and sweet talked the next into bringing her grandson to my school. Weird story.
10) I had a fight with my boss who is also my Pastor. TWICE.
11) I had a really bad Monday.
12) I didn't have to drive the bus.
13) I had a garage sale at the church for the Bounds and raised a ton of $$$ for them. (With help).
14) I cried. A lot.
15) I contemplated throwing in the towel and finding another career.
16) I took Mason to soccer pictures and his game..and coached.
17) I made cupcakes for Hannah Bo Bannah's petting zoo party...
18) I got up every morning before 5. UGH. Oh, except the day that I got up at 4:30 and convinced myself to go back to sleep until 6:13. RECORD....
19) I got up the last two Saturdays by 5. Again, UGH.
20) I took both girls for haircuts. One because I had to because she cut her own hair and the other because she's a big girl who needs a big girl haircut. Her words...:)
21) I typed dictation late in the night.
This week I will....
1) Try to have a better Monday.
2) Try not to cry.
3) Try to sleep.
4) Try to finish my work
5) Try to invoice.
6) Try to have a better attitude.
7) Plan the pumpkin fest final details.
8) Unload the truck full of food for pumpkin fest.
9) Be the boss.
10) Be the Mom.
11) Be the wife.
12) Be the one who "knows it all." UGH.
Be the one who has decided she is now tired of hearing herself think and sign off and go to bed. I'm feeling so defeated....
Posted by Buffy at 10:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oldies but goodies....
Last night one of my friends from Paris....Misty came to see me in Sherman! We were like giggling high school girls, except that now we're in our 30's!! It was so good to be back together again. Back together again and it feels so gooooooooooddddddddd. We had cheese fries, cheese burgers, appetizers and an "adult beverage". I love her! I love her kids!! She is MY friend!!! I made her promise at least once a month, one of us treks that hour drive to see each other. We need each other to stay sane!! Here we are enjoying some dinner....Oh and a picture of our cheese fries...just to prove how bad we ate. :)
Posted by Buffy at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 our house...
For those of you who don't live in Texas...Fall is awesome here. One of my favorite memories of Fall in Texas was driving from Austin to Fredricksburg in 1996...and having to pull over to clean off all the butterfly "dust" off our windshield. I know that can be morbid in a way, but I was more intrigued by the amount of butterflies...turns out the monarch butterflies migrate through Texas from up North on their way to Mexico about this time of year. There was an article in the Dallas Morning News last weekend showing their path, etc. and I had saved it for Macy. Well, low and got off path and ended up in our front yard last night. He was injured and it was sad...But, here are the amazing pictures....
Posted by Buffy at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Would you?
Would you ever leave your job by emailing your boss on a Sunday night at 10:26 via myspace that you were not returning to work? That you had to do what was best for your family? AT 10:26 on a SUNDAY NIGHT!! ....when you have to be at work at 6:30 a.m. to cook for 100 kids? Would you? After your lovely boss had helped pay electric bills, buy things for your home, taken your kids to school when they missed the bus, take them to church on Sundays, help buy school supplies and school clothes??? Just wondering if it's just me that thinks that is pretty low.....absolutely amazing. Oh....wait...helped pay the water bill?? I hate being the boss. I really do.
Posted by Buffy at 10:52 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
A pink and purple bounce house....
Maddy Kat had an awesome party!! We had a pink and purple bounce house in the front yard. It was in the shape of a castle. It reminded me of when Macy turned 3 and she had a bounce house in our back yard in Paris. So funny that some things change and some things stay the same. They both had princess parties at age of 3, too. Maybe I am on the right track with the bad Kat.
Here are some shots from the party. We had fun!!! Maddy and her buddy Camryn...
Maddy showing off her new Hello Kitty boots. She seriously wanted to wear that outfit to church. I okayed the dress, but said no to the boots!!
Mommy helping Maddy open gifts...
Oh, we were so silly!!
Posted by Buffy at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Kat...A day late....
Mommy was soooo busy yesterday....
Maddy Kat Hanson....turned 3 on September 26, 2008. For those of you who don't know why we call her Kat, there are a multitude of reasons....1st. Her middle name is Kathryn after my best friend...Kathryn.....2nd. When I was pregnant with her, I could not eat enough Kit Kats. Seriously like a 6 pack every 2 days. (and I gained the least amount of weight with that pregnancy, go figure). And her Daddy has always called her Kitty Kat. We just do. Her full name is Madylynn Kathryn Hanson, but only because Chris got to pick her name, I really wanted a Molly Kathryn Hanson....But, she is our Kat.
She's a spit fire. If she were my first, she would have been my last. I've never met a kid like her...she's opinionated and bossy and smart and a know it all. Walked at 8 months and was potty trained right at 2. (By herself). She's just smart. And I love her. I love her, I love her!!
Posted by Buffy at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yo momma....
I'm still here. I am working on getting over the fact that my Mom will no longer live one hour from me. I know that I am a big baby. I know that I need to wear my big girl panties. I'm trying. I spent Sunday with her. I drove back down on Tuesday (actually took the day off of work). So, the movers will be there tomorrow and things will arrive in Houston on Saturday. (She doesn't have power where she is going...still from Ike). The State Fair starts Friday. My Mom and I love the State I'm sure I'll see her before it's over. I just love my Mom. That's all.
My friend Christy has suggested I go see a doctor. I'm having major coping issues. I think I'm tired. I think I have anxiety. I think I am depressed. I think I am overworked. I think that I am overcommitted. I am trying to get all those little things done that float around in my head that I need to get done and feel like if I could get those done then I wouldn't be as bothered. I know that does not make sense at here are some examples. I really need to send two paychecks off to employees that are now in College Station. They are in my front seat. I really need to send two birthday cards off in the mail. They are in my front seat. I really need to place our tshirt order for the school. I really need to get the new 2 year old room decorated....I really need a good nights rest. I really need a night where I am not scheduled to be somewhere are a certain tonight at 6 p.m. at the church that I have been at ALL DAY!! Like tomorrow for soccer practice at 5:30. Like Saturday at 11:00 for a soccer game...but, hey we do rock the soccer field. 7-0 ROCKETS!! Woo hoo for my little team!!
Okay, I guess that's all...I wanted you guys to know I'm alive. I have a few things up my sleeve for my blog in 2009...because I am a copy cat.
A few prayer requests...just found out that my friend Wesley is having brain surgery AGAIN to put the shunt in his brain. They were going to originally do this a month ago, but decided to put it in his spine draining into his stomach and that has not worked, so on the 1st they will go back in and put the shunt in his brain to drain the student that got shot in the eye with an air gun will have ANOTHER surgery on the 30th...(also her 3rd birthday) to move the lens that was implanted already because it has shifted. AND my friend Cheri's mother in law had surgery on Tuesday for breast cancer....
WOW....God just put me in my place didn't he? Stop sweating the small stuff, huh?
Until tomorrow...when I will tell you all about my sweet Maddy Kat Hanson turning 3....WOW!! My "baby" is 3. I want to cry....
Posted by Buffy at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well, today my day was crummy. Just plain crummy. I had this weird icky feeling for the last six months since my Mom put her house up for sale that "something" was up. I was so excited at first, thinking she would be moving my way...but in the back of my mind I had a fear that her and my stepfather were getting back together. The house closes next she told me she is moving to Houston with my ex-stepfather...Been there, done that...didn't work the first three times....I love my Mom. Even if I don't see her every weekend, just once a month since I became soooo busy, I talk to her everyday and just knowing that she is an hour away makes me feel better. But, now she will be farther away and I won't go there to see her because I don't like him...I know she won't come as often to see us because he's so controlling and that's how it is. I don't know what we'll do for Thanksgiving. I don't know what we'll for Christmas. My Mom is my anchor. She is my rock. She is my everything....and I am so, so, so, sad. Have I mentioned that I love my Mommy???
Posted by Buffy at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
The par-tay!
So, the Bub turned 11. We had a spectacular Saturday. Favorite quote of the day....Macy first thing when she woke up Saturday pokes her head in the bathroom while I'm getting ready and asks..."Will Ike be joining us today?" How funny is she? We took two friends with us from Denison, picked up a friend in Frisco and met another friend AT the mall. So, five girls, Darin and I and my friend Rox at Build a Bear. It was sooo much fun!! I'm so glad she's still a kid at heart. We then went to Cheesecake Factory for appetizers and dessert!! YUMMY!! All of us headed home and stopped in Sherman for pedicures all around...even me! Love a good pedicure. I got orange for Halloween and the guy kept saying...too early...tooo early. (Say that in a funny accent).
It was a sleep over and actually we only had one bout of tears and drama. But, it wasn't tooooo bad. I would even agree to do it again next year. Now, it's Maddy's turn. She wants a bounce house in our front yard. Lovely. Only Maddy would have such a demand. But, it's better than the party plan that she had last week...Disneyland...been there, done that and I'm broke!!
Here are some pictures from Macy's party this weekend!! The girls at Build a Bear.
Macy and Ella...the elephant.
Macy enjoying lunch.
The girls are all in!!
And then there was the tired MOMMY!
Posted by Buffy at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Bub...
For those of you that are close friends you already know that the Bub is Macy. A really weird nickname for my first born girl. But, here's the back story...when she was a baby I would look at here and squeeze her little cheeks and tell her everyday...."I love you bubba." (Translation: I love you baby in a silly voice). So, by the time she was three she was a full fledged Bubba. Now in Texas...Bubba is a nickname for little brothers, big brothers, hicks...but not my Bubba. She's a pretty girl and baby bubba turned 11. She is officially a pre-teen. EEEeeecckkkk!! She is such a good kid, though. I love her so much. I love who she is turning into. Her Dad and I have worked hard to make her who she is. I love her the mostest!! Tomorrow we are headed to Frisco for a big girl party...Build a Bear (I guess this is still in for preteens?), Cheesecake factory and pedicures. And then pizza and a sleep over and of course CUPCAKES for her birthday party!! She's a well rounded girl...she can fish and kayak with the best of them and LOVES painted nails...
I love her so much. God truly blessed me with my BUBBA.
Posted by Buffy at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I remember...
On September 11th, 2001 I was living in Paris, Texas. Macy was a day away from turning 4. I was a preschool teacher at the Mothers Day Out Program at First Baptist Church. My teaching buddy was Cheri Lewis! :) I was running late (as usual). My sister called..."turn on the TV." A plane just hit the World Trade Center....I turned on the TV and as I was watching it the other plane hit the other tower on live TV. It was shocking. Nauseating. Disturbing. My life was so weird at that time. I was "married" to Darin. Best friends with Chris... "Talking" to a doctor who lived in Oklahoma City who had been there when the Federal building in OKC was Mom had just been diagnosed with cancer (again). It was this weird, weird time in my life.
So, I go to school. I think I was so young I didn't get the seriousness of it. I was (and still am) so naive. I didn't get it. Parents started dropping of their kids crying. Cheri and I had this little radio that we were trying to pick up a signal on to listen to news reports. I caught a glimpse of pictures on the internet in the office. It was horrific. Parents were going to "stock up on gas." They were going to donate blood. It was eeary.
Less than a week Mom was having surgery to remove a tumor in her ovary. All I could do was watch that TV in her room. She was out of it. It was on every channel 24 hours a day. I couldn't stop watching it. I was just so engrossed in it. It really affected me. I think that I was depressed after that. I was interested in a person that had lived through a bombing. He was a doctor and had been one of the first responders in OKC. He had so much insight that I didn't. I didn't know if my Mom was going to be was just an icky time for me personally. I didn't have anyone that could keep Macy for me that I completely trusted. My Grandma kept her some for me (but she was seriously mentally not okay), I didn't trust my sister completely, but I did trust a person that I had met only 4 months earlier...the man who is now my husband. Hhhmmm....God does interesting things doesn't he? He kept my Macy for me. He was a little weird about the bathing thing. So, he would make her go in there...bathe herself and lay her clothes out for her. Cheri can attest to the fact that he would bring Macy to preschool with her hair undone for Cheri to fix. I remember not being able to track him down one night. He had come to the hospital for Macy to visit and he left. I called my house over and over and over again waiting for him to get home with Macy. That was about 2 hours from the hospital that we were at in Dallas. I was about to drive the route to Paris when my sister finally got in touch with Chris. I was panicked. Where had he been? He had taken my Macy to Chuck E. Cheese. He said it was a toss up between that place and the McDonalds that looks like the Happy Meal. OMG!! I hate Chuck E. Cheese...I hate McDonalds and here was a person that was taking my daughter there just for fun. WOW
Looking back, that day amazes me. I still cry when I see the pictures and think of the lives lost. I think it is our generations Pearl Harbor. Where were you? Did it affect the way you live today? Are you a true patriot. Do you love your country???
Cheri-If you're reading this. I remember you in my life for so many different things...Your kids...your love of Christ...your testimony...your sweet husband and Tate who are truly miracles...your brother...your love of cherries and the Eiffel Tower...buf I remember you every September 11th because on that day WE were survivors...together...
Posted by Buffy at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A few updates...
Wesley came home today! Praise God. They still have quite a bit of recovery to go...he is having vision issues still. He is out of sick time and vacation days with the police department. I personally think that if fellow officers want to donate their time to him, they should be allowed to, but this under consideration right now. Please remember the Bounds in your prayers. They are the sweetest family!
Mason is doing better with the soccer thing. He and I and Chris have been taking turns in the front yard kicking the ball. I think we may be okay. I went to the TSA meeting tonight and our uniforms are PURPLE. WOW!! Purple for a boys under 4 team. Okie dokie. Oh well. At least I'm not the crazy Mommy who is having massive fits about it. She is willing to do whatever she has to do (pay a lot of $$) to have all the uniforms replaced. I just think we should call ourselves the People Eaters and get on with life. Too funny! I crack myself up.
School is busy, busy, busy. We have over 110 enrolled. Everyday it's someone new. A new allergy. A new Mommy. A new cry. A new biter. A new employee!! In fact, today two new employees started. They are seniors at Austin College and they are BOYS!! And the kids LOVE THEM!! I think that it is important to have male influences in these kids lives and so I encourage boys/men to apply. We have two retired men that volunteer with us through our local Foster Grandparent program and the kids LOVE them. (And yes they have all cleared background checks). I would trust my kids with any of them in an instant. They truly are "grandparents" to our kids. They are happy because of these kids and the kids are happy because of them. I think they have such great hidden talents. Mr. Jimmy is a computer whiz and makes coloring sheets for the kids with his face and Ms. Jessica's face. He is working on a calendar for Ms. Jessica with pictures of the kids and all their birthdays for Christmas. So, so, so sweet. So many times people are dismissed because of their age, but this group of people is so very special to all of us!
I am Mommy....I am tired.
Busy, busy, busy week. Last night Open House meeting at Macy's school. Tonight TSA soccer meeting...tomorrow practice....Friday....MACY TURNS 11. Friday practice and an ice cream social at the school immediately following...Saturday...Macy's big par-tay at the mall in Frisco. Build a Bear, Cheesecake factory, pedicures for five girls followed by a sleepover at our house. Mason and Maddy both have birthday parties for friends that day at 5 that Chris has been assigned to attend. Sunday...return the girls to their houses, go to church...go to my Mom's and help her pack some more.
Posted by Buffy at 8:44 PM 1 comments