I have had a GREAT weekend...My friend Misty texted me Friday morning wondering my plans for the weekend...clean the house, my answer. She lives in Paris. I used to babysit her kids and we went to church and played Bunco together. She recently went through a divorce and I've been there, done that and not many of our friends there have. She and I have grown so close in the last few months and I am so thankful for her. She brought the kids last night after I got off. We all had dinner at Olive Garden (all eight of us-FIVE kids)!! It was so great to see "my kids that are her kids" again. We didn't go to bed until 10:45 and were up early for donuts and coffee! We have had a great day together with our kids shopping, playing video games and laying around. And talking. And catching up. And being friends. I very rarely have friends over just to "hang out" and it was so nice to do that.
My Mom has the flu. I feel so sad for her. I wish I could be there to help her, but I'm not sure what kind of help I would be. I'm just worried about her. She was going to try to come for Mason's party this weekend, but now I'm assuming she won't.
I talked to our neighbor today. Her daughter is very bruised in the chest area. But, they found something suspicious when they did an x-ray because of the wreck. They found a mass on her thyroid. Sometimes God does things for mysterious reasons and they do not believe that they would have found that mass if not for the accident last week.
Please pray for Wesley. He went to the hospital today vomiting blood. I received a text from Kristy in a little while and they are thinking that he has an ulcer from all the medicine he has been having to take....
I guess that's it for me...Have a great Super Bowl Sunday...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
My weekend...
Posted by Buffy at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Random Things about me.....
Okay, I got this on facebook and LOVED it....It's funny...Just a little bit about me...
1. I'm a clinique snob (yes I made up this name for myself).
2. All my kids names start with an "M"....Macy, Mason and Madylynn (wish it had been Molly, but I let Chris pick the name...so there you go).
3. I could each a cheeseburger for every meal if given the choice...except when I'm pregnant when for whatever reason I can't stand meat and become a vegetarian. Weird. I know.
4. I'm a Kappa Delta. K with an A with a P.P.A. D with an E with an L.T.A. You get the point.
5.Been married once before...big wedding in my hometown...eloped the second time to Vegas. Would recommend Vegas!! (As cliche as I know that sounds).
6. I'm best friends with my ex husband.
7. I love, love, love cupcakes. Always have, always will.
8. I was born on an island far, far away...Coronado, California, but am a Texas girl at heart.
9. I love garage sales and goodwill.
10. I love Starbucks. and yes, they do know me by name there...just like Cheers.
11. The older I get, the more I lean on my girlfriends. I love them.
12. I married Chris on the 4th of July because it's my favorite holiday.
13. I love my Mom...and my Dad.
14. I always knew I wanted to be a Mom, but didn't know how much I would love it until I had Macy. I thought I wanted to be a business woman in downtown Dallas. What the hell was I thinking?
15. I love all things preschool...well, except for the crummy parts...
16. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip from Braums.
17. I love Disneyland.
18. I love my new cell phone, but am still really eyeing the iphone.
19. I love my laptop.
20. I hate traffic and crowds. Can't deal with it.
21. I don't eat seafood, but my favorite restaurant is a seafood restaurant...weird..
22. I met my husband when he interviewed me for a part time position as a server at Chili's....
23. I really like to be in MY house in my jammies.
24. I don't watch much TV.
25. I can read a People magazine front to back in a matter of hours. LOVE IT!!
And an update about my neighbor and her baby. She apparently is doing better. Chris saw them bring her home yesterday. I have not been over there to check on them yet....
Posted by Buffy at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Pray for our neighbor!
Chris and I never watch the local evening news, but tonight we did. The breaking story was about a car accident in Sherman. They showed the car and I immediately knew it was our neighbor. Then they described a young mother and 10 month old baby and I really knew it was her. I ran to the refrigerator to look at the birth announcement and sure enough...10 months ago...UGH. All we know is that it was really bad and that she has been airlifted with serious chest injuries. I called her mom and she answered and just said that she couldn't find them in Dallas and would have to call me back. This young lady lives with her parents. They are the most amazing people in the world. I am just sick for them right now. Please lift her up in prayer. Her name is Kaylee....I will update as I know more.
Posted by Buffy at 6:46 PM 1 comments
YAY!! Ice day!!!
I just have to say...God knows when I need a mental health day and delivers it in a nice little package....Ice day...husband has to work...can't call in...kids being lovely as long as I make them breakfast...it's all good. Now wrap that up in a little bow....I'm so happy today...I love my house. I love my jammas. I love my kids...I love that they love pigs in a blanket....I love that I cannot feel guilty for not leaving my house because it's impossible. Love...love....love it....
Posted by Buffy at 10:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A little bit of this...a little bit of that.
I have been out of the loop since Saturday. I either got food poisoning or a stomach bug and I don't really care what the name for it is, it has been awful. Chris has been so sweet to help with the kids (and so has Macy). I had to miss church on Sunday and work yesterday. I am back at work today, but really should be home. I'm just too busy to take off.
The weather outside is frightful and I'm hoping that it ices just bad enough to cancel school tomorrow. I need another day in bed.
Please pray for my friends, Wesley and Kristy. Here is a link to their blog. He is not doing well once again and she has started a blog with all of his information and asked me to share it! http://prayersformyhusband.blogspot.com/
I guess that's all for now. I'm sure I had more to say, but I just am having trouble focusing right now. I really think I'm dehydrated....
Posted by Buffy at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It's Saturday!!
Yea for Saturdays!! I had a busy week. Will I ever have a post where I state, I had a really boring week? Probably not. Anyway, busy at work. Busy, busy. I was constantly in a classroom "covering" classes and rarely in my office. Which is not a good thing. I have so much paperwork to do.
I was so busy that I did not go to my "therapy" session on Thursday. And I do appreciate every one's insight into the subject. Corey-you must send me your email address. buffylhanson@yahoo.com I want to talk to you about it....personally. Cheri-Thanks for your sweet words!! Misty-Thanks for driving to Sherman to see me for my birthday and bringing Maddy's future husband with you. I love him as much as I did Stephen Paul at that age!! I'm going to be okay. I always end up okay. My best friend Kathryn described me in an email recently as a cat...she's right. I always end up on my feet. Khaki!! Thanks for my awesome birthday card. Love the cupcake flair....I started taking my medicine. He said to give it two weeks and I'll feel better. I took yesterday afternoon off. That was nice. Darin and I got to talk for a little while before Macy got home from school about next years "family" vacation....YUP. You heard right. We are all going as a "family" to Disney World. All of us. His parents, all of us, Macy gets to take a friend...It should be...um...interesting. No. Just kidding. We decided years ago to do this as a group and next year is the year. Now, we're just trying to decide on what month we'll go. He votes for March. I vote for June. So, March will probably win...
So, today is clean the house and lay around day...Thank goodness. I love Saturday!! Chris is out right now picking the kids up donuts and Mommy up coffee. He really is good to me...most days....OH...he's home...gotta look like I've been doing something productive for the last 1/2 hour and not been on the Internet. :)
Posted by Buffy at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I celebrated my 33rd birthday yesterday. No biggie. Just another day. But, my sweet husband did remember this year and had flowers sent to me from my friend Shannon's shop. My entire school somehow snuck down to the Fellowship Hall while I was working on paperwork and then called me down to the kitchen to "surprise" me and sing happy birthday to me. They even wheeled out a gigantic cake for me. So sweet!! I received lots of nice gifts and am blessed.
Yesterday, besides turning 33, I also went to the doctor. For months I have had this yucky feeling of yuck....Just yuck. No fancy words for it. A funk. Anyway, turns out I am just overstressed. Nuh-uh really? Seriously? I'm not crazy? I'm apparently not. Now, he did prescribe me some medication to help me for short term, but most importantly he wants me to go into therapy. I'm not real keen on the idea, but I'm going to go, at least once, tomorrow. We'll see how that works out for me. I'm the girls who likes to "pretend" that life is grand and I don't really like to talk about the "real" crap that is going on. Sooo, we'll see how that works out for me.
Besides that, not much of anything going on. Just a lot of work. I need a lot of rest, but that's not happening. I found out some frightful information when I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor, but I'll just "pretend" that wasn't "real" information either!! :)
Posted by Buffy at 2:09 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Oh me oh MY!
I don't really have anything to blog about. It's Thursday. I like Thursday's. I like them because the next day is Friday and I LOVE Friday because usually that means the next day is Saturday and I can stay in my jammies all day....Except this Saturday. We need to grocery shop. That's a family affair. Chris enjoys it. He gets his own "crap basket" as I refer to it. That's where you will find the oreos, pizza, chips, cokes, etc. Not that I'm perfect or anything, but I enjoy PLANNING meals and buying food for that. I just don't like to cook it. Chris can cook it. I'm the baker. Maybe when we renovate our kitchen and it's new and improved and I don't feel claustrophobic in it, I'll cook more....maybe not....
My sweet friend who owns a local florist invited me to go to market Saturday. I have never been to "market." I have heard of "market" since I was a teenager and moved to this area. What is it? Is it a noun? Is it a verb? No clue. Anyway, I have always wanted to go. It's in Dallas. But, when she mentioned that we're talking about 10 hours of walking and collecting catalogs for stuff to order for Christmas...I changed my mind. I'm tired. I want to stay at home and clean and catch up on stuff. I need to catch up on "stuff."
I've been trying to arrange a girls night for my birthday. It's next to impossible to get all my friends from all different walks of life together for drinks these days. I have friends from all over. Denison....Sherman....Dallas....Sorority....Church....School....my friends don't match. That's okay with me. But, sometimes it just makes things odd when we all get together, so I think I will forgo the yearly grease and margaritas night at City Limits for my birthday this year. I mean, it's not like it's a big one or anything...I'm the double 3 this year. That's what I'm going to call it.
The Explorer is still in the shop. UGH. They just got to it this Monday. Should be ready Friday of this week or Monday of next week. I have such sweet friends that have helped me with transportation. I am blessed.
I guess that's all for my mish mash of a blog...sometimes I'm not sure why I even write in it. I really don't think more than 5 people are reading it....maybe I'm a good bedtime...put you to sleep blog....
Posted by Buffy at 9:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Small world? Or I know a lot of people....
My favorite restaurant is Pappadeaux. Wasn't always. Chris took me there while we were dating for my birthday. It was HIS favorite restaurant that he took me to for MY birthday. Okay, I've gotten over that and found that I am IN LOVE with the Greek Salad. I don't eat anything else there except Grilled chicken and the Greek Salad, but he likes all that weird stuff. Anyway, we went there yesterday for lunch. We received a gift card from my brother for Christmas and decided to drive down for a late lunch. It's a good hour and a half from where we live.
So, we walk in and are seated right next to a couple that used to attend my church in Sherman. I stopped to say hello and visit with them. Chris said, "That is so weird that they would be sitting right next to us." It was weird. Coincidental? Well, since I don't believe in coincidences, couldn't be that. So, they finish their meal and tell us goodbye. Table gets sat again with a party of four. I don't really pay any attention...I'm too busy coloring with Maddy. They have REAL crayons at Pappadeaux!! :) I look up and immediately recognize the face sitting across from me. It is my 8th grade Health Science teacher from Paris! Now, Chris at this point doesn't believe me. He said, What's her name? I tell him. He then proceeds to swear that I think I know everyone from Paris. That she won't even know who I am and to lower my voice. Okay, so at that very moment she and I make eye contact and she calls me by my maiden name!! She knows me. She got up and came and hugged me and I introduced her to my kids. I asked about her daughter, whom I used to walk over from the elementary school when I was in junior high as a special treat for Mrs. Smith. She remembered so many details of my life. I thought that was so sweet. She asked about my Mom, etc. She then told me she was so proud of me. She told me that she was always happy to see students who had moved away and were doing great things with kids. That made me get a little teary!
Anyway, funny story...God does things sometimes that we may not understand, but I think it's so that we will take notice that he is in our lives everyday....
One day I'll tell you the extended version of meeting my friend Vegas in a Vegas bathroom and finding out that she lived two blocks from me. Coincidence? Nope, those don't exist. Everything happens for a reason....Oh, and on a side note...her name isn't Vegas. That's what we call each other because of where we met.
Have a happy week. I'm trying to!
Posted by Buffy at 12:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Texas wins the Fiesta Bowl....
And it's a good thing!! I mean...our lives depend on that!
UGH! Good riddance to college football season until what August! Oh wait Buff...signing day is coming up....And then there will be the months leading up to it in debate over who is REALLY the #1 team in the country.
I mean, the amount of time that is spent on this ridiculous subject in my house...Can someone get me Mack Brown's phone number? Maybe he can pay my mortgage....
My Mommy taught me to be sarcastic...she did a good job...
Posted by Buffy at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Yea!! New pictures.
I bought myself a new little point and shoot to have in my purse...and because my hioty toity expensive camera that Darin gave me is broken. (NOTE to self...take it to Wolff Camera and see if it can be fixed).
Anyway, here are some fun pictures from around Christmas....and yesterday!! Santa Came to our house!!
Mason watching the Zamboni at the mall. Macy at Dairy Queen in Fairfield, Texas...where we stopped for a little Christmas eve treat. Just an FYI..nicest Dairy Queen I've ever been to...and I've frequented quite a few Dairy Queens!!
Maddy putting out her reindeer food. Notice how my camera was able to capture that food mid-air. Magical!!
Ah...our little cook. How cute is she? Precious!!!
P.S. Sometimes I don't like Blogger. Why can I only upload five pictures at a time. That sucks!
Posted by Buffy at 7:53 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009...A new year...a new start?
Okay, so in reviewing my "goals" for last year because I refuse to call them resolutions....my #1 goal was to get my butt organized...um, yeah, that didn't happen. I even read the best book to help me...It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh...Professional organizer for the TLC hit Clean Sweep. It is an amazing book. Makes complete sense. He nailed me to a T. But, the bad news is...I read it on my trip to Vegas in April...so a lot of good that did me. Should have read it while I was at home so then I would have gotten up and started to work on the things that he said to work on. But, that's the other part of the problem...I don't have time to read at home. Shit. I'm so screwed. Okay....so I think I will attempt to re-read it this weekend and then put away my Christmas things. 27 tubs of Christmas things...Chris corrected me when I told someone 17....UH, no 27. Honestly, I didn't even put it all out. Snowman missing an eye...needs to be thrown away, etc. etc. I need to learn to Throw away and NOT HOARD!! My issues are magazines...mail....wrapping paper. I LOVE wrapping paper. But, I never seem to wrap because it's faster to buy a gift bag. My life is a revolving door of buts.....
I also mentioned an interest in a marathon in 2008. Yeah, that didn't work out for me either. I did get a trainer...I did work out and then....I got really busy with school and life and fell off the working out wagon. But, I do want to get back in shape...not concerned with the amount of weight I lose, I am interested in the size and the way my jeans feel...I'm not in the worst place I've been weight wise in my life, but I'm not exactly thrilled either. So, I will begin the walking program immediately. Thanks Mrs. Incredible for being such motivation to me!! You are amazing. I would love to be able to hug you at the finish line in Disney!!! You go girl!!
Okay, next...our goal was to go to Disneyland and California in 2008 and that we did...And it was amazing. The trip of a lifetime. It was great for our family. I will remember it forever.
Okay, so this year...Here's what I have put together. I want to.
1) Work on me. That includes but it is not limited to...my weight, my relationship with God, my relationship with myself. More time for Buff. OH, and for those of you that care, I have called a local physician and have a consultation scheduled for MY BIRTHDAY. I need to get my emotions under control, my anxiety, my (what I believe to be ADD) under control....So, anti-depressants...the gift that just keeps on giving...hahahaa!! That's funny.
2) Spend MORE TIME with MY children. I miss my kids. Yes, two of them go to work with me everyday, but I honestly hide from them all day so they don't get the "I wants".
3) Rethink my career path...seriously.
4) Work on the house. (I think that was a goal last year too..) Didn't happen.
5) ORGANIZE MY LIFE. I think you can go back to #1 on this one, but just in case....
Okay...so that's it. I guess. I've had a rough week. I know, I know...what's new right? I first felt God nudging me in a different direction...now I think it's his foot kicking my butt in a new one....Maybe that's just my translation of the situation...but whatever.
I'll keep you updated...
Posted by Buffy at 11:44 AM 0 comments