Monday, January 21, 2008

He really did forget.

Okay, he forgot. I reminded him when he called to tell me he was on his way home from work. I was not nice about it. He hung up on me. It took him 2 1/2 hours to get home. He brought home roses. (Didn't make it better). ANYWAY, I think that what I need to remember is that I have such high expectations and I need to lower them a tad. I used to have this amazing boyfriend who sent flowers "just because." That would be nice. But, we have been married going on six years and I guess that's just what happens. I need to move on from it.

We are going to "celebrate" this weekend with my Mom. I have not seen her since Christmas and I miss her. So, we're going to go and do "our" favorite things that would include Half Price Books, Goodwill, Pappadeaux Greek Salad, Ikea, you know, good stuff!! We're so nerdy!

Chris and I have started planning the Disney trip. I don't know how much to allot for each day as far as spending money goes. We have our plane tickets planned, we know how much our Park Hoppers are going to be for Disney, Sea World, the Zoo, Universal Studios, Legoland, etc. But, how much do we put away for each day at these places? $500.00? For food, souvenirs, etc. So, all you people that have gone...HELP!!