Maddy Kat had an awesome party!! We had a pink and purple bounce house in the front yard. It was in the shape of a castle. It reminded me of when Macy turned 3 and she had a bounce house in our back yard in Paris. So funny that some things change and some things stay the same. They both had princess parties at age of 3, too. Maybe I am on the right track with the bad Kat.
Here are some shots from the party. We had fun!!! Maddy and her buddy Camryn...
Maddy showing off her new Hello Kitty boots. She seriously wanted to wear that outfit to church. I okayed the dress, but said no to the boots!!
Mommy helping Maddy open gifts...
Oh, we were so silly!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
A pink and purple bounce house....
Posted by Buffy at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Kat...A day late....
Mommy was soooo busy yesterday....
Maddy Kat Hanson....turned 3 on September 26, 2008. For those of you who don't know why we call her Kat, there are a multitude of reasons....1st. Her middle name is Kathryn after my best friend...Kathryn.....2nd. When I was pregnant with her, I could not eat enough Kit Kats. Seriously like a 6 pack every 2 days. (and I gained the least amount of weight with that pregnancy, go figure). And her Daddy has always called her Kitty Kat. We just do. Her full name is Madylynn Kathryn Hanson, but only because Chris got to pick her name, I really wanted a Molly Kathryn Hanson....But, she is our Kat.
She's a spit fire. If she were my first, she would have been my last. I've never met a kid like her...she's opinionated and bossy and smart and a know it all. Walked at 8 months and was potty trained right at 2. (By herself). She's just smart. And I love her. I love her, I love her!!
Posted by Buffy at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yo momma....
I'm still here. I am working on getting over the fact that my Mom will no longer live one hour from me. I know that I am a big baby. I know that I need to wear my big girl panties. I'm trying. I spent Sunday with her. I drove back down on Tuesday (actually took the day off of work). So, the movers will be there tomorrow and things will arrive in Houston on Saturday. (She doesn't have power where she is going...still from Ike). The State Fair starts Friday. My Mom and I love the State I'm sure I'll see her before it's over. I just love my Mom. That's all.
My friend Christy has suggested I go see a doctor. I'm having major coping issues. I think I'm tired. I think I have anxiety. I think I am depressed. I think I am overworked. I think that I am overcommitted. I am trying to get all those little things done that float around in my head that I need to get done and feel like if I could get those done then I wouldn't be as bothered. I know that does not make sense at here are some examples. I really need to send two paychecks off to employees that are now in College Station. They are in my front seat. I really need to send two birthday cards off in the mail. They are in my front seat. I really need to place our tshirt order for the school. I really need to get the new 2 year old room decorated....I really need a good nights rest. I really need a night where I am not scheduled to be somewhere are a certain tonight at 6 p.m. at the church that I have been at ALL DAY!! Like tomorrow for soccer practice at 5:30. Like Saturday at 11:00 for a soccer game...but, hey we do rock the soccer field. 7-0 ROCKETS!! Woo hoo for my little team!!
Okay, I guess that's all...I wanted you guys to know I'm alive. I have a few things up my sleeve for my blog in 2009...because I am a copy cat.
A few prayer requests...just found out that my friend Wesley is having brain surgery AGAIN to put the shunt in his brain. They were going to originally do this a month ago, but decided to put it in his spine draining into his stomach and that has not worked, so on the 1st they will go back in and put the shunt in his brain to drain the student that got shot in the eye with an air gun will have ANOTHER surgery on the 30th...(also her 3rd birthday) to move the lens that was implanted already because it has shifted. AND my friend Cheri's mother in law had surgery on Tuesday for breast cancer....
WOW....God just put me in my place didn't he? Stop sweating the small stuff, huh?
Until tomorrow...when I will tell you all about my sweet Maddy Kat Hanson turning 3....WOW!! My "baby" is 3. I want to cry....
Posted by Buffy at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well, today my day was crummy. Just plain crummy. I had this weird icky feeling for the last six months since my Mom put her house up for sale that "something" was up. I was so excited at first, thinking she would be moving my way...but in the back of my mind I had a fear that her and my stepfather were getting back together. The house closes next she told me she is moving to Houston with my ex-stepfather...Been there, done that...didn't work the first three times....I love my Mom. Even if I don't see her every weekend, just once a month since I became soooo busy, I talk to her everyday and just knowing that she is an hour away makes me feel better. But, now she will be farther away and I won't go there to see her because I don't like him...I know she won't come as often to see us because he's so controlling and that's how it is. I don't know what we'll do for Thanksgiving. I don't know what we'll for Christmas. My Mom is my anchor. She is my rock. She is my everything....and I am so, so, so, sad. Have I mentioned that I love my Mommy???
Posted by Buffy at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
The par-tay!
So, the Bub turned 11. We had a spectacular Saturday. Favorite quote of the day....Macy first thing when she woke up Saturday pokes her head in the bathroom while I'm getting ready and asks..."Will Ike be joining us today?" How funny is she? We took two friends with us from Denison, picked up a friend in Frisco and met another friend AT the mall. So, five girls, Darin and I and my friend Rox at Build a Bear. It was sooo much fun!! I'm so glad she's still a kid at heart. We then went to Cheesecake Factory for appetizers and dessert!! YUMMY!! All of us headed home and stopped in Sherman for pedicures all around...even me! Love a good pedicure. I got orange for Halloween and the guy kept saying...too early...tooo early. (Say that in a funny accent).
It was a sleep over and actually we only had one bout of tears and drama. But, it wasn't tooooo bad. I would even agree to do it again next year. Now, it's Maddy's turn. She wants a bounce house in our front yard. Lovely. Only Maddy would have such a demand. But, it's better than the party plan that she had last week...Disneyland...been there, done that and I'm broke!!
Here are some pictures from Macy's party this weekend!! The girls at Build a Bear.
Macy and Ella...the elephant.
Macy enjoying lunch.
The girls are all in!!
And then there was the tired MOMMY!
Posted by Buffy at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Bub...
For those of you that are close friends you already know that the Bub is Macy. A really weird nickname for my first born girl. But, here's the back story...when she was a baby I would look at here and squeeze her little cheeks and tell her everyday...."I love you bubba." (Translation: I love you baby in a silly voice). So, by the time she was three she was a full fledged Bubba. Now in Texas...Bubba is a nickname for little brothers, big brothers, hicks...but not my Bubba. She's a pretty girl and baby bubba turned 11. She is officially a pre-teen. EEEeeecckkkk!! She is such a good kid, though. I love her so much. I love who she is turning into. Her Dad and I have worked hard to make her who she is. I love her the mostest!! Tomorrow we are headed to Frisco for a big girl party...Build a Bear (I guess this is still in for preteens?), Cheesecake factory and pedicures. And then pizza and a sleep over and of course CUPCAKES for her birthday party!! She's a well rounded girl...she can fish and kayak with the best of them and LOVES painted nails...
I love her so much. God truly blessed me with my BUBBA.
Posted by Buffy at 8:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I remember...
On September 11th, 2001 I was living in Paris, Texas. Macy was a day away from turning 4. I was a preschool teacher at the Mothers Day Out Program at First Baptist Church. My teaching buddy was Cheri Lewis! :) I was running late (as usual). My sister called..."turn on the TV." A plane just hit the World Trade Center....I turned on the TV and as I was watching it the other plane hit the other tower on live TV. It was shocking. Nauseating. Disturbing. My life was so weird at that time. I was "married" to Darin. Best friends with Chris... "Talking" to a doctor who lived in Oklahoma City who had been there when the Federal building in OKC was Mom had just been diagnosed with cancer (again). It was this weird, weird time in my life.
So, I go to school. I think I was so young I didn't get the seriousness of it. I was (and still am) so naive. I didn't get it. Parents started dropping of their kids crying. Cheri and I had this little radio that we were trying to pick up a signal on to listen to news reports. I caught a glimpse of pictures on the internet in the office. It was horrific. Parents were going to "stock up on gas." They were going to donate blood. It was eeary.
Less than a week Mom was having surgery to remove a tumor in her ovary. All I could do was watch that TV in her room. She was out of it. It was on every channel 24 hours a day. I couldn't stop watching it. I was just so engrossed in it. It really affected me. I think that I was depressed after that. I was interested in a person that had lived through a bombing. He was a doctor and had been one of the first responders in OKC. He had so much insight that I didn't. I didn't know if my Mom was going to be was just an icky time for me personally. I didn't have anyone that could keep Macy for me that I completely trusted. My Grandma kept her some for me (but she was seriously mentally not okay), I didn't trust my sister completely, but I did trust a person that I had met only 4 months earlier...the man who is now my husband. Hhhmmm....God does interesting things doesn't he? He kept my Macy for me. He was a little weird about the bathing thing. So, he would make her go in there...bathe herself and lay her clothes out for her. Cheri can attest to the fact that he would bring Macy to preschool with her hair undone for Cheri to fix. I remember not being able to track him down one night. He had come to the hospital for Macy to visit and he left. I called my house over and over and over again waiting for him to get home with Macy. That was about 2 hours from the hospital that we were at in Dallas. I was about to drive the route to Paris when my sister finally got in touch with Chris. I was panicked. Where had he been? He had taken my Macy to Chuck E. Cheese. He said it was a toss up between that place and the McDonalds that looks like the Happy Meal. OMG!! I hate Chuck E. Cheese...I hate McDonalds and here was a person that was taking my daughter there just for fun. WOW
Looking back, that day amazes me. I still cry when I see the pictures and think of the lives lost. I think it is our generations Pearl Harbor. Where were you? Did it affect the way you live today? Are you a true patriot. Do you love your country???
Cheri-If you're reading this. I remember you in my life for so many different things...Your kids...your love of Christ...your testimony...your sweet husband and Tate who are truly miracles...your brother...your love of cherries and the Eiffel Tower...buf I remember you every September 11th because on that day WE were survivors...together...
Posted by Buffy at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A few updates...
Wesley came home today! Praise God. They still have quite a bit of recovery to go...he is having vision issues still. He is out of sick time and vacation days with the police department. I personally think that if fellow officers want to donate their time to him, they should be allowed to, but this under consideration right now. Please remember the Bounds in your prayers. They are the sweetest family!
Mason is doing better with the soccer thing. He and I and Chris have been taking turns in the front yard kicking the ball. I think we may be okay. I went to the TSA meeting tonight and our uniforms are PURPLE. WOW!! Purple for a boys under 4 team. Okie dokie. Oh well. At least I'm not the crazy Mommy who is having massive fits about it. She is willing to do whatever she has to do (pay a lot of $$) to have all the uniforms replaced. I just think we should call ourselves the People Eaters and get on with life. Too funny! I crack myself up.
School is busy, busy, busy. We have over 110 enrolled. Everyday it's someone new. A new allergy. A new Mommy. A new cry. A new biter. A new employee!! In fact, today two new employees started. They are seniors at Austin College and they are BOYS!! And the kids LOVE THEM!! I think that it is important to have male influences in these kids lives and so I encourage boys/men to apply. We have two retired men that volunteer with us through our local Foster Grandparent program and the kids LOVE them. (And yes they have all cleared background checks). I would trust my kids with any of them in an instant. They truly are "grandparents" to our kids. They are happy because of these kids and the kids are happy because of them. I think they have such great hidden talents. Mr. Jimmy is a computer whiz and makes coloring sheets for the kids with his face and Ms. Jessica's face. He is working on a calendar for Ms. Jessica with pictures of the kids and all their birthdays for Christmas. So, so, so sweet. So many times people are dismissed because of their age, but this group of people is so very special to all of us!
I am Mommy....I am tired.
Busy, busy, busy week. Last night Open House meeting at Macy's school. Tonight TSA soccer meeting...tomorrow practice....Friday....MACY TURNS 11. Friday practice and an ice cream social at the school immediately following...Saturday...Macy's big par-tay at the mall in Frisco. Build a Bear, Cheesecake factory, pedicures for five girls followed by a sleepover at our house. Mason and Maddy both have birthday parties for friends that day at 5 that Chris has been assigned to attend. Sunday...return the girls to their houses, go to church...go to my Mom's and help her pack some more.
Posted by Buffy at 8:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
News flash....
Mason hates soccer. Of course he does because I agreed to coach it. Any suggestions on how to handle this? I am of the mothering school that makes a child finish what they start. If he does not want to play next season, so be it, but he WILL finish this season. How can I make it fun? Bribery? Intimidation? Humiliation? What should I do? I think he was just overwhelmed by 10 other boys running after him and HIS ball. He wanted the ball all to himself. HELP!
Posted by Buffy at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Surgery today....
Wes is having surgery this morning. She texted me early this morning (it's 6:37 now). He is expected to go into surgery between 10:30 and 11:30 and it can last up to three hours to do the shunt placement. Please continue to pray.
On a much lighter note, this evening is my first soccer practice with my "BOYS." I'm excited and actually, nervous. I truly don't know what I'm doing. I'm just going to tell them to run, run, run, kick the ball in the goal. That's good right? They only place 3 on 3 at this age. So, I think I'm safe.
Friday, ah, Friday. Love Friday. AND it's payday Friday. My check is actually already spent, but I still love Friday. May you all have an awesome weekend!!
Posted by Buffy at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tomorrow Wesley is having surgery. Please pray for Wesley. Pray for the surgeons. Pray for Kristy. Pray for his kids who miss him so much. Pray, pray, pray!!!
Thanks Guys!!
Posted by Buffy at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
This is the story of a girl....
....who cried a river and drowned the whole world. I can't get that song out of my head. How annoying!
My friends Wesley and Kristy still need to be uplifted in prayer. Wesley is not doing well and poor Kristy is so sad and scared. My Mom went to see her today. I was so glad that she did that. Just continue to pray that Wesley improves and that the medicines will work and that he will not lose anymore of his vision. Please pray for them to have peace over their finances, etc. God will provide!!
School has been so busy. We are inundated daily by more than 10 calls about openings, etc. I finally had to go buy one of those message books for calls on my voice mail so I would be more organized about it. I have lost so much stuff on my desk in the last two weeks it's not even funny. My staff is doing a great job, though and I am very proud of them!! We have little bouts of parent drama here and there, but that is expected.
Macy is doing well in school. She likes her teachers and already has a ton of homework every night. OH, and I forgot to mention...I think. Maybe I didn't. I'm going to coach Mason's soccer team. I know, because I have all that extra time on my hands that I have nothing to do on the weekends, but you know...Chris does softball with Macy and I wanted Mason to play soccer and they needed a coach. So, you're looking at her. So, am I a soccer mom/coach or a soccer coach/mom? I'm so witty when I'm tired.
I am secretly gearing up for the big clean sweep this weekend of her room. I'm ready. I have my friends ready and we're going to get that room done for her. She has no idea and I'm so excited!!
That's about it from me tonight. My head is pounding. I need some rest. (Not that I didn't take about 8 hours worth of naps this weekend, but ya know.....)
Posted by Buffy at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
My friends Kristy and Wesley!!
Our friend Wesley had brain surgery in July. He had Chiari Malformation Type I. The feeling was that the surgery was successful. He is a police officer in Denison. In fact last weekend we went to his son's birthday party where he seemed well and did all the grilling!! Well, Friday night Wesley started throwing up and had a major headache. He is now in ICU at Baylor. He has meningitis.... Bacterial meningitis.... He just had brain surgery....think about that when you think about how hard your life is right at this moment. It puts everything into prospective, doesn't it? Everyone is fighting a battle. They have four kids. Please, please pray for this amazing family. I love his wife Kristy. I love all of their kids. They are the sweetest family. Lift them up in prayer today. As a community of friends, we all need to pull together for this family. They are always doing something for somebody else and they truly do need us at this point!!!
Posted by Buffy at 10:40 AM 0 comments
It's a quiet day in the neighborhood....
It's been a quiet weekend. In part because Chris and I are not speaking to each other, but still...quiet. I have gotten a lot done. I've cleaned, organized and really important...I've slept. I have napped everyday of this weekend (including Friday). If there is one thing that I miss about being so busy it's my naps. Macy has been home with us this weekend and I've loved having her. She had one of her buddies with us most of the weekend, but she's gone now. I'm about to make my kids head to the back yard to clean up their messes. I'll tell you what...our backyard is a wreck!! It drives me nuts. I need to clean out my explorer, too. I got to go out with some of my girlfriends last night for a birthday party. It was fun, low key and just what I needed. I love my friends. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many different personalities and I love them all!! Last night it was a reunion of sorts with my girlfriends from the doctors office that I worked for for five years. Miss them, love them, so glad they called me for the party. I made strawberry cupcakes and they were a hit. Yummy, yummy. Well, gotta run....gotta stay on my cleaning spree. I'm on a roll!!! Don't want to downgrade my momentum.
Posted by Buffy at 10:35 AM 0 comments