Monday, June 2, 2008

Sex and the City...and friends.

SERIOUSLY!! This was the best movie that I've seen in 10 years. I was excited about seeing it. But, just kind of excited. But, now I can't wait to go see it again. Now, normally I'm a pretty conservative girl when it comes to talking about or even seeing sex. But, this movie wasn't just about sex. Those parts were a tad uncomfortable for me, but it was about so much more.

My friend Shannon and I met early and had cosmopolitans at dinner. We wore our high heels and accessories and cute jeans...we were pretty darned cute if I do say so myself. So, we lined up an hour early!! WOW!! An hour! We had popcorn, junior mints and diet cokes. Haaa. Diet cokes. That makes sense right?

I guess what I was comforted by during this movie was Carrie's friends...I have truly been blessed with amazing friends. Especially in my 30's. (Even if I am only two years in). When I moved back to Paris after Darin and I divorced I immediately made new friends. Grown up friends. All the friends that I had before were from high school and college. I am so thankful that God placed Cheri, Misti, Lori, Leigh and even Melanie in my life when he did. I was so scared when I moved to Sherman/Denison. But, God immediately blessed me with Heather--in Las Vegas of all places. Then came Ms. Ruth (or Ms. Roof as Maddy and Mason refer to her as) and Jenn Stubbs quickly followed...But, it seems like in the last two years I have been blessed beyond belief....Kristy. Marne. Shannon. Whitney. Misty. I love that our husbands get along. I love even more that he knows how to be social. HA! I love that our kids play together. I love that I am a grown up with supportive friends.

And that my friends is what I loved most about this movie. The power of friends. I know from personal experience that not all relationships or marriages last forever, but that sometimes friendships do. I am so blessed by my friends.